PUNE With most schools in Pune resuming on Monday, June 13, school administrators are preparing to welcome pupils back while also making safety preparations in light of the state’s growing number of Covid-19 cases.
Suraj Mandhare, the state education commissioner, has issued a circular instructing all schools and education departments to celebrate the first two days of school and greet students in a variety of ways in order to entice them and establish a link with offline instruction. Flowers may be presented to kids, stationery can be supplied, and other good things can be done by school administrations, according to the circular. Due of the Covid-19 epidemic, all schools in the state have been shuttered since March 2020, affecting thousands of students who are unable to attend lessons online. As a result, there may be several items that need repair, maintenance, or cleaning in order to ensure the safety of pupils. As a result, all schools should pay extra attention to student safety and return with a pleasant environment.
We are glad to begin offline schools this academic year,” Mandhare stated, “and therefore, all districts have been given orders to celebrate the first day of school.” Also, during the first two days, the whole school premises, including all classrooms, should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, and Covid procedures should be completely followed according to state and federal government rules. On Monday, all education department officials are required to personally visit at least one school and encourage pupils.”
In addition, all schools are required to undertake a survey of all pupils aged 6 to 14 who have applied for admissions, regardless of whether or not they will attend. Schools should also be on the lookout for children who have dropped out from adjacent construction sites, slum neighborhoods, and industries, and should endeavor to enroll as many youngsters as possible.
In the meanwhile, school administrations have begun their planning. “We are all ready to greet our kids on the first day of school,” Sanjay Shendge, principal of Seth Dagaduram Katariya high school, said. “We have sanitized all our classrooms and given pupils safety instructions.” Face masks must be worn at all times, and we shall greet our pupils on the first day. We hope that this year goes smoothly and that the academic cycle is not disrupted.”