Leet code , today’s we learning about how we ace product based company using the leet code.

firstly start the coding career with any programming language then learn basic context and then start the ata structures and algorithms .when you get idea about the programming language and the basic syntext with basic structure of the data structures . how tha ready are implemented and how we acces the array ?.how we implement the queue , stack , link list .the pointer consept to implement the stack queue , link list .
Now finally you are ready to love the leet code easy level promblem.
Try to solve the promblem with directly viewing the solution .think the question
Statement is. “”””””” Question ko phodo “””””””
“”””””” break the question “””””””
List of Some important Leetcode Questions:
- LeetCode 2612 Minimum Reverse Operations
- Leetcode 206 Reverse Linked List
- LeetCode 420 Strong Password Checker
- Leetcode 1359 Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery
- Leet code 799. Champagne Tower
- LeetCode 389. Find The Difference
- Leetcode 775. Find The Global and Local Inversions
- Leetcode 316. Remove Duplicate Letters
- LeetCode 2233 Maximum Product After K Increments
- LeetCode 880. Decoded String at Index
- LeetCode 905. Sort Array By Parity
- LeetCode 896. Monotonic Array
- LeetCode 132. Pattern