Home » leet code » LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray (Hard)

LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray (Hard)

LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray :Hey there, coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to another exciting coding session. Today’s problem is a treat—literally! We’re going to solve the “Maximum Score of a Good Subarray” or “LeetCode 1793. ‘

Appraoch : Two Pointer

  1. Input Parameters: The code takes two inputs – an array ‘A’ or (nums in Leetcode given) and an integer ‘k’ as the index.
  2. Initialization: Initialize two pointers ‘i’ and ‘j’ to ‘k-1’ and ‘k+1’ respectively. ‘N’ is the length of array ‘A’. ‘res’ is initialized to ‘A[k]’ (the value at index ‘k’), and ‘mn’ is also set to ‘A[k]’ initially.
  3. Algorithm: The code uses a while loop that iterates as long as ‘i’ is greater than or equal to 0 or ‘j’ is less than ‘N’. This loop is the core of the algorithm.
  4. Pointer Movement: Inside the loop, the code checks whether ‘i’ is less than 0 or if ‘A[j]’ is greater than ‘A[i’. Depending on the condition, ‘mn’ is updated with the minimum of ‘mn’ and ‘A[j]’ or ‘A[i]’, and the corresponding pointer (‘i’ or ‘j’) is incremented or decremented accordingly.
  5. Result Update: The code then calculates the score by multiplying ‘mn’ with the difference between ‘j’ and ‘i’ and updates ‘res’ with the maximum of the current ‘res’ and this score.
  6. Output: The final ‘res’ value holds the maximum score, which is the answer to the problem.

dry run of the given code with the example ‘A = [1,4,3,7,4,5]’ and ‘k = 3’:

i=k-1 && j=k+1 starting with:

IterationijA[i]A[j]mnj – i – 1res
DRY and RUN of Exampe of two pointer approach

First max we found out result at (1,5) index. SO our result ==15

Codes : Two Pointer Approach

C++: LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

class Solution {
    int maximumScore(vector<int>& A, int k) {
        int i = k - 1, j = k + 1, N = A.size(), res = A[k], mn = A[k];
        while (i >= 0 || j < N) {
            if (i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i])) {
                mn = min(mn, A[j]);
            } else {
                mn = min(mn, A[i]);
            res = max(res, mn * (j - i - 1));
        return res;

Java: LeetCode 1793. Two Pointer Approach

class Solution {
    public int maximumScore(int[] A, int k) {
        int i = k - 1, j = k + 1, N = A.length, res = A[k], mn = A[k];
        while (i >= 0 || j < N) {
            if (i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i])) {
                mn = Math.min(mn, A[j]);
            } else {
                mn = Math.min(mn, A[i]);
            res = Math.max(res, mn * (j - i - 1));
        return res;

Python: Maximum Score of a Good Subarray Two Pointer Approach

class Solution:
    def maximumScore(self, A, k):
        i = k - 1
        j = k + 1
        N = len(A)
        res = A[k]
        mn = A[k]
        while i >= 0 or j < N:
            if i < 0 or (j < N and A[j] > A[i]):
                mn = min(mn, A[j])
                j += 1
                mn = min(mn, A[i])
                i -= 1
            res = max(res, mn * (j - i - 1))
        return res

JavaScript: LeetCode 1793

class Solution {
    maximumScore(A, k) {
        let i = k - 1;
        let j = k + 1;
        const N = A.length;
        let res = A[k];
        let mn = A[k];
        while (i >= 0 || j < N) {
            if (i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i])) {
                mn = Math.min(mn, A[j]);
            } else {
                mn = Math.min(mn, A[i]);
            res = Math.max(res, mn * (j - i - 1));
        return res;

Dart: Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

class Solution {
int maximumScore(List<int> A, int k) {
  int i = k - 1, j = k + 1, N = A.length, res = A[k], mn = A[k];
  while (i >= 0 || j < N) {
    if (i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i])) {
      mn = (mn < A[j]) ? mn : A[j];
    } else {
      mn = (mn < A[i]) ? mn : A[i];
    res = (res > mn * (j - i - 1)) ? res : mn * (j - i - 1);
  return res;


Swift: LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

class Solution {
   func maximumScore(_ A: [Int], _ k: Int) -> Int {
    var i = k - 1, j = k + 1, N = A.count, res = A[k], mn = A[k]
    while i >= 0 || j < N {
        if i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i]) {
            mn = min(mn, A[j])
            j += 1
        } else {
            mn = min(mn, A[i])
            i -= 1
        res = max(res, mn * (j - i - 1))
    return res

Kotlin: LeetCode Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

class Solution {
fun maximumScore(A: IntArray, k: Int): Int {
    var i = k - 1
    var j = k + 1
    val N = A.size
    var res = A[k]
    var mn = A[k]
    while (i >= 0 || j < N) {
        if (i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i])) {
            mn = minOf(mn, A[j])
        } else {
            mn = minOf(mn, A[i])
        res = maxOf(res, mn * (j - i - 1))
    return res

Rust: LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

fn maximum_score(a: Vec<i32>, k: usize) -> i32 {
    let mut i = k as i32 - 1;
    let mut j = k + 1;
    let n = a.len();
    let mut res = a[k];
    let mut mn = a[k];
    while i >= 0 || j < n {
        if i < 0 || (j < n && a[j] > a[i as usize]) {
            mn = std::cmp::min(mn, a[j]);
            j += 1;
        } else {
            mn = std::cmp::min(mn, a[i as usize]);
            i -= 1;
        res = std::cmp::max(res, mn * (j as i32 - i - 1));

Go: LeetCode 1793. Maximum Score of a Good Subarray

package main

import "fmt"

func maximumScore(A []int, k int) int {
    i := k - 1
    j := k + 1
    N := len(A)
    res := A[k]
    mn := A[k]
    for i >= 0 || j < N {
        if i < 0 || (j < N && A[j] > A[i]) {
            if mn > A[j] {
                mn = A[j]
        } else {
            if mn > A[i] {
                mn = A[i]
        if res < mn*(j-i-1) {
            res = mn * (j - i - 1)
    return res

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