Leet code solution

C++ Input and Output: Understanding cin, cout, cerr and clog with Examples

In C++, input and output (I/O) operations are performed using the standard input/output library, which is defined in the <iostream> header file. The basic I/O operations in C++ are performed using the following four standard streams: Here’s an example of a simple program that uses cin and cout to read an integer from the keyboard

C++ Input and Output: Understanding cin, cout, cerr and clog with Examples Read More »

Find the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters: Solution and Algorithm

leetcode question solution

The problem of finding the longest substring without repeating characters is a common problem in computer science and can be found in various coding interviews and competitions. The task is to find the longest substring in a given string that does not contain any repeating characters. For example, given the string “abcabcbb”, the longest substring

Find the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters: Solution and Algorithm Read More »

Leet Code 55. Tackling Jump I , II , III , IV Game | Cpp ,Java ,Python – Day 3

leetcode question solution

Leet Code 55.:In this post, we’ll look at two jump game difficulties offered on Leet Code 55. These are well-known coding tasks that might be difficult to complete in a single attempt.We’ll go over numerous approaches to solving both issues step by step using complexity analysis. So, let’s begin with the first. Day 3 Coding

Leet Code 55. Tackling Jump I , II , III , IV Game | Cpp ,Java ,Python – Day 3 Read More »

Day 2 : FaceBook Asked interview Quetion :- Add Binary Sum – Java ,Python ,Cpp

leetcode question solution

If, you are preperaing for FACEBOOK Interview or will prepare. Then according to LeetCode premium it is no.4 most asked Question by Facebook as per now. Nilesh Most important QUOTE… So Ladies n Gentlemen without any further due let’s start,What question saying is, Given two binary strings a and b, return their sum as a binary string. Explanation of Approach: Explanation

Day 2 : FaceBook Asked interview Quetion :- Add Binary Sum – Java ,Python ,Cpp Read More »

Leet Code : Intersection of Two Linked ListsLeet Code – Java | Python | C++ | Dart | Easy Solution

leetcode question solution

Find the location where two linked lists intersect. Find the node where the two linked lists cross when there are two of them and the tail of the second list points to a node in the first list. Take into account the linked lists below, where the fourth node of the first list is connected

Leet Code : Intersection of Two Linked ListsLeet Code – Java | Python | C++ | Dart | Easy Solution Read More »

McAfee ,Google ,LionBridge ,Paypal ,Walmart ,Citi ,Goldmansachs ,Tata Strive , Clover Infotech ,Accenture Baker Huges Hiring – 2022 -Nileshblog.tech

Lots Of Company is newly Hiring for Fresher and Passout Student , Dont Miss Chances Apply fast and get job . Latest Hiring Company Apply Link McAfee https://www.elitmus.com/jobs/33104-mcafee-software-software-engineering-intern-online-remote?jobs_evaluation=2375 Google Opration Center https://googleoperationscenter.com/jobs/6203492002/ LION BRIDGE (JR ENGG) https://careers.lionbridge.com/jobs/junior-engineer-1-mumbai-maharashtra-india-f8878639-1bb2-40e1-8e03-c1a6e1399000 Paypal (SDE ) https://wd1.myworkdaysite.com/recruiting/paypal/jobs/job/Bangalore-Karnataka-India/Software-Engineer-1—2023-Graduate–Bachelor-s–Dual-Degree-or-Integrated-Master-s-_R0095516 Walmart (Analyst) https://walmart.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/WalmartExternal/job/IN-HR-GURGAON-Orchid-Center/ANALYST–GLOBAL-BUSINESS-SERVICES_R-1326836?q=ANALYST,%20GLOBAL%20BUSINESS%20SERVICES&redirect=/WalmartExternal/job/IN-HR-GURGAON-Orchid-Center/ANALYST–GLOBAL-BUS Citi https://jobs.citi.com/job/-/-/287/39956757248 Congo AI https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3361382587/ Goldman Sachs https://www.goldmansachs.com/careers/students/programs/india/engineers-campus-hiring-program.html Tata Strive https://www.tatastrive.com/

McAfee ,Google ,LionBridge ,Paypal ,Walmart ,Citi ,Goldmansachs ,Tata Strive , Clover Infotech ,Accenture Baker Huges Hiring – 2022 -Nileshblog.tech Read More »