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20 Way To Maximize Your productivity

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Productivity tip 1

Record Your Thoughts Through an Audio recorder

Audio Capture not Just the Thoughts but also our emotions at a moment .Which is Super helpul ,when we hear it in the Future

Start the voice note with "I am Recoding this while I was doing ..." This will help 

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Productivity tip 2

Pomodoro technique

a time Management technique that proven to maximize productivity and attention

 Break your whole day into 1 hour chunks

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Productivity tip 3

Set App Usage Limit

Use Your Phone to set a time limit on the app you tend to waste time on. use a password-protected liimt to unlock

 Similarly use website blocker

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Productivity tip 4

Send some emails to Your self in the Future

You can schedule emails for a later time. use those to be reminded of things you remember right now, but cannot  pick up right now.

 Similarly use website blocker

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Productivity tip 5

Create Self Whatsapp Group

Create a WhatsApp Group with Someone .used it to record your image, and details .it will be used as a simple way to connect with your self.


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Productivity tip 6

Add Task to Your Calender 

Build a habit of using a calender and then put everything on the calender .

Not Just Meeting and work ,task , birthdays and more.

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Productivity tip 7

Make Your frequent app hard to find

do not place them on the home screen, put them in some random place .

In addition to time limits, The visual hurdle to getting to your app will mak you spend a lot less time.

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Productivity tip 8

The 5 Min Rule

if something takes less than 5 min to get done, then get it done right way.

Posting them only adds to the cognitive loads our minds have to bear. we think we still have a lot to do. feeling burdened and overwhelmed.

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Productivity tip 9

The 5 Min Rule

Find out when your energy is at its high peak. could be in morning , mid-day....

Reserve the hardest things for that time .that is when you will find flow to get it done.

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Productivity tip 10

Create To-Do List

Psychologically, we get a sense of progress and achievement when we checking thing off.

create a small to-do list every day, on a piece of paper, and check them off, as you finish them.

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Productivity tip 11

Reply to message when people are less likely to respond

the biggest time suck is real-time communication .it require you to be attentive, respond and take decision .

If not needed then avoid it.

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Productivity tip 12

Schedule distraction time

do not try to shut down distraction time, instead schedule it.

You will love forward it. and You will be more disciplined about it.

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Productivity tip 13

Dont try to Remember Anythings

This is my Magic !. i write everything down and have a way of retrieving that when required.

not spending your energy on remembering.

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Productivity tip 14

Listen the song without Lyrics

song with lyrics gets us to hum along.taking our attention away.

listen your fav song ,duriing distraction time.

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Productivity tip 15

Write down Your thoughts on distracting thoughts

Keep a notepad handy. as soon as you distracted,write it

Writing tells your brain that it is important . the minute the brain identifies it as important,it relieves itself.

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